The Style Guide: Research and Writing at the Joint Military Intelligence College (Edition 2).
註釋This edition uses New Century Schoolbook font, 11 point, and footnotes are set at 10 point. It updates and expands much of the previous material, especially in chapter 8. Forms and formats of title pages, approval sheets, page markups, and other examples are consolidated in chapters with the papers to which they apply, for convenient reference. Most appendixes in the first edition of This guide follows The Chicago Manual of Style and the United States Government Printing Office Style Manual (the 'GPO Style Manual').(1) Some information on note and bibliography forms for government publications came from Citing Government Documents. (2) You should also be aware of other basic style books. For basic guidance on the principles of writing, students are issued Writing with Intelligence. The College Writing Center will provide advice and assistance concerning these and other reference works of potential use to you.