Theories of Personality
註釋PERSONALITY DEFINED: THE ISSUE OF STABILITY. McCrae, R.R. & Costa, P.T. Jr. The Stability of Personality: Observations and Evaluations. Mischel, W., Soda, Y., & Mendoza-Denton, R. Situation-Behavior Profiles as a Locus of Consistency in Personality. Fleeson, W. Moving Personality Beyond the Person-Situation Debate: The Challenge and the Opportunity of Within-Person Variability. Critical Thinking Questions. THE ROLE OF BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS IN PERSONALITY. Maestripieri, D. Biological Bases of Maternal Attachment. DiPietro, J.A. The Role of Prenatal Maternal Stress in Child Development. Kemeny, M.E. The Psychobiology of Stress. Bevins, R.A. NoveltySeeking and Reward: Implications for the Study of High-Risk Behaviors. Saudino, K.J. Moving Beyond the Heritability Question: New Directions in Behavioral Genetic Studies of Personality. Critical Thinking Questions. PERSONALITY IN ACTION: INTRAPERSONAL PROCESSES. Gross, J.J. Emotion Regulation in Adulthood: Timing is Everything. Labouvie-Vief, G. Dynamic Integration: Affect, Cognition, and the Self in Adulthood. Robinson, M.D. Personality as Performance: Categorization Tendencies and Their Correlates. Cantor, N. & Harlow R.E. Personality, Strategic Behavior, and Daily-Life Problem Solving. Swann, W.B. Jr. Seeking "Truth," Finding Despair: Some Unhappy Consequences of a Negative Self-Concept. Baumeister, R.F., Bushman, B.J., & Campbell, W.K. Self-Esteem, Narcissism, and Aggression: Does Violence Result From Low Self-Esteem or From Threatened Egotism. Critical Thinking Questions. PERSONALITY IN RELATIONAL CONTEXTS. Goldsmith, H.H. & Harman C. Temperament and Attachment: Individuals and Relationships. Andersen, SM. & Berk, M.S. The Social-Cognitive Model of Transference: Experiencing Past Relationships in the Present. Leary, M.R. Making Sense of Self-Esteem. Brody, G.H. Siblings' Direct and Indirect Contributions to Child Development. Fincham, F.D. Marital Conflict: Correlates, Structure, and Context. McCullough, M.E. Forgiveness: Who Does It and How Do They Do It?. Critical Thinking Questions. IMPLICATIONS OF PERSONALITY FOR WELL-BEING. Werner, E. Resilience in Development. Asher, S., & Paquette, J. Loneliness and Peer Relations in Childhood. Folkman, S. & Moskowitz, J.T. Stress, Positive Emotion, and Coping. Keltner, D., Kring, A., & Bonano, G. Fleeting Signs of the Course of Life: Facial Expression and Personal Adjustment. DeNeve, K. Happy as an Extraverted Clam? The Role of Personality for Subjective Well-Being. Gottfredson, L. & Deary, I. Intelligence Predicts Health and Longevity, but Why? Thompson, JK. & Stice E. Thin-Ideal Internalization: Mounting Evidence for a New Risk Factor for Body-Image Disturbance and Eating Pathology. Critical Thinking Questions.