Enhanced Traffic Control Devices and Railroad Operations for Highway-railroad Grade Crossings
註釋This research developed, tested, evaluated, and recommended improved methods for communicating with drivers at both active and passive highway-railroad grade crossings to accomplish the study objectives. A driver comprehension survey of highway-railroad grade crossing traffic control devices, an in-vehicle observation of driver behavior at highway-railroad grade crossings, an evaluation of experimental passive sign systems previously installed at highway-railroad grade crossings, and the development of enhanced traffic control devices are documented in this report. The driver comprehension survey found a lack of driver understanding related to requirements and responsibilities at passive and active grade crossings. Drivers initiated more looking behavior at passive crossings during the in-vehicle driver observation study. The implementation of the YIELD sign with a supplementary message plate containing the words TO TRANS and the yellow supplementary message that read LOOK FOR TRAINS led to speed reductions at the highway-railroad grade crossing on some approaches. none of the experimental sign systems tested in the closed-course driving study, including the strobe light enhanced system, resulted in any adverse driver reaction. Driver ranking of the effectiveness of the three sign systems showed that both the standard flasher and strobe light enhanced systems were preferred to the standard railroad advance warning (W10-1) sign. Based on the results of this research, a field test of a vehicle-activated strobe light mounted above the railroad advance warning sign (W10-1) was recommended for further study.