註釋This study guide meets a growing demand for effective GIS training by combining ArcGIS tutorials and self-study exercises that start with the basics and progress to more difficult functionality. Presented in a step-by-step format, the book can be adapted to a reader's specific training needs, from a classroom of graduate students to individaul study. Readers learn to use a range of GIS functionality from creating maps and collecting data to using geoprocessing tools and models for advanced analysis. the authors have incorporated three proven learning methods: scripted exercises that use detailed step-by-step insturctions and result graphics, Your Turn exercises that require users to perform tasks without steo-by-step instructions, and exercise assignements that pose real-world problem scenarios. A fully functioning, 180-day trial version of ArcView 9.2 software, data for working through the tutorials, and Web-based teacher resources are also included.