Transcend Trends and Create a Sustainable Future

"It's quite incredible to think that we might save the world through fashion."

Vivienne Westwood, Fashion designer and businesswoman

Do you have a wardrobe filled with clothes, but nothing to wear?

You're not alone.

So why do so many of us feel this way?

For the past 30 years since Fast Fashion began, we have been living under the tyranny of trends, allowing them to dictate what we buy - ultimately, a truckload of cheap, disposable threads that end up in landfill soon after we purchase them.

What's worse, we've become so dependent on trends that we have no idea what our individual style actually is.

At The Helm, we believe that deep down, we are all far more tuned in to our personal style than we realise, we just need to spend the time to discover it.

Transcend Trends and Create a Sustainable Future will help you do just that.

Get ready to discover not only your true inner style, but how to save the world while you're at it.