A Confession of the Awful and Bloody Transactions in the Life of Charles Wallace Or the Fiend Like Murder of Miss Mary Rogers the Beautiful Cigar-girl of Broadway, New York, Whose Fate Has for Several Years Past Been Wrapt in the Most Profound Mystery
Together with an Authentic Statement of the Many Burglaries and Murders of Wallace and the Notorious and Daring Thief Snelling and an Account of the Murder and Robbery of Mrs. Parks of Newport, Kentucky, Also Perpetrated by Wallace, a Thrilling Narrative of His Intercourse with the Brown Murderess Emeline Morere, who at His Instigation Assassinated Her Master and Mistress and Their Four Helpless Children with an Axe for which Attrocious Act They Were Burned Alive by a Mob of Insuriated Lynchers, on the Banks of the Mississippi, on the 11th Day of August 1850, Given at the Burning Stake to the Rev. Henry Tracy
出版William Wellman, 1851