Where Was God Series
註釋Fayth Angelica McCoy is working against time to prove a young teen innocent of murdering a Port City police officer in cold blood. Ever since Sargent Larry Patel landed in their quiet city, racial profiling and intimidation of African American males on the Southside of town are on the rise. The people stand united in wanting this cancer removed from their city, but no one is willing to speak up against the injustice until a young boy finds himself in the strongholds of the justice system. In her pursuit to expose Sargent Patel's dirty dealings, Angelica risks her and her families' safety. Now with two kids to protect, she has to make the decision to chance it all for the sake of ridding her city of the toxic pollution of crime within the Port City PD. Or turn a blinds eye as a young teen faces life in prison or death if he reveals the true killer's identity.Jasion is not happy with the high profile investigation his wife, Fayth is working on. With the near burning of his youth center and their home broken into, he's concerned that she is ruffling the feathers of some powerful and dangerous men. With vengeance in her heart and a score to settle, Nicole Swaggart leaves the mental institution in New Orleans, Louisiana after serving only five years. Her sights are now set on Port City, Louisiana, where the man who broke her heart lives with his wife and kids, which should have been hers. While institutionalized, an unknown visitor with the same agenda of taking down the McCoy's, gains Nicole's trust. They put their plan into action to destroy the people who ruined their lives, using their children as collateral damage.With opposition from Sargent Patel and Nicole Swaggart, will Jasion and Angelica survive the evils that are set in motion against them?