Advances in Chilli Research
註釋Foreword Preface 1. Challenges in Chilli Production in Twenty First Century 2. Chilli and Paprika Research Scenario in India 3. International Scenario on Research and Development in Chillies 4. Advances in Capsicum Biotechnology 5. Breeding for Virus Resistance 6. Exploitation of Male Sterility Systems 7. Hybrid Development for Yield and Quality 8. Research on Bell Pepper at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Katrain: An Overview 9. Current Trends in Production Technology 10. Pest Management: Present Status and Future Thrust 11. Diseases of Chilli and their Management: Current Status and Future Directions 12. Post Harvest Handling, Storage and Value Addition in Chilli 13. Chemistry and Quality of Paprika and Paprika Products-Research Needs Appendices I. Highlights of Brain Storming Session II. Agro-Climatic Zones of India III. Acronyms Subject Index