1100 Java Interview Questions

This book contains over 1100 frequently asked java interview questions, mainly covering Core Java and Servlets. This book is boon for you, if you are a student/fresher/upto 5yr exp and preparing for job. If you are over 5+ years of experience, then it will serve as crash course or a quick reminder of the basic things.

Reason for writing this book is that when you search for interview questions on internet, you get multiple links, many may be irrelevant also. After browsing few links, you may quit. I was one of them. It’s not always feasible to search on internet whenever you need it. This book is compilation of questions from many such links, and few of my own. I’ve given credits in the reference section to those links.

It contains:

- Chapter-wise Interview questions and answers with explanations

- Frequently asked questions and answers

- Review questions (unanswered) for your practice

I hope this book will help you in stepping to your next job. Do your best, and rest will follow you!

Hope to see you landing in your dream job soon.