Implementation of Machine Vision Feedback Into a Structurally Flexible Manipulator Testbed
Andrew C. M. Allen
University of Toronto
, 1997
Dynamic position feedback based on machine vision has been incorporated into a flexible manipulator testbed for the purpose of developing and testing vision-assisted servoing and visual servoing techniques. In particular, the Advanced Space Vision System (ASVS) has been integrated into the Radius facility at the University of Toronto. ASVS is a real-time photogrammetry system developed by the Canadian Space Agency and Radius is a planar manipulator testbed with structural frequencies similar to those of a real space-based manipulator such as Canadarm. Modifications to both the flexible manipulator and the vision system were required to allow ASVS to supply serviceable position data to the Radius control computer. Following the integration of the vision system into the servo loop, a complete characterization of the photogrammetric system as installed established the parameters under which control algorithms will operate. Emphasis was placed on determining the response time of the vision system and on comparing the anticipated experimental Radius behavior with the results of previous photogrammetric studies completed on-orbit.