Accelerating Action Against Child Labour
Global Report Under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
出版International Labour Organization, 2010
主題Law / Labor & EmploymentSocial Science / Sociology / General
註釋This Global Report comes at a critical juncture. Looking back to 200809, the world has had to cope with the impact of a financial and economic crisis. Ahead lies the challenge of sustaining recovery and building an employment-oriented framework for strong and balanced growth. This defines the context for future action to end child labour. The task is enormous; our commitment must not waver and it must be reflected in deeds.

Four years ago, in the second Global Report on child labour, I underlined the fact that a breakthrough in the fight against child labour was possible. That Report showed that child labour was declining. Public awareness had increased; indifference and denial were no longer possible. The commitment of member States was reflected in the high ratification of the Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), and the very rapid ratification of the Worst Forms of Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182), which came into force ten years ago. Legislative reform was proceeding apace, new approaches were being applied. There was a widespread mobilization across governments, employers and workers organizations, enterprises and consumers, and members of the general public.

Given these developments, we were optimistic enough to set the goal of ending the worst forms of child labour by 2016. The challenge we set ourselves was to raise our game and ensure that we would continue to give effective leadership at all levels in the world movement against child labour.