註釋Welcome to The Year's Best Schlock! Fantasy 2013, a compilation of fantasy stories published in Schlock! Webzine (www.schlock.co.uk) over the past year.Here you can read the work of some of the hottest new talents in fantasy writing today; writer and critic Konstantine Paradias, with a story of exactly what the barbarian does after winning himself a mighty kingdom; author and independent filmmaker Birke Duncan with A Janitor's Territory, an urban fantasy (also available as a short film) in which a man becomes what he most detests; Warrior Sister, a tribute to the late Andre Norton by Joseph Baneth Allen, freelance writer, critic, author, and poet; The Fool and the King by Mark Slade, Mark Slade, editor of Dark Dreams podcast and Nightmare Illustrated magazine; Kill Something, a story of Renaissance Fairs and alien invasion by Michael B Tager; Gifts From The Sea, a sword and soul story by Sergio Palumbo, edited as ever by the indefatigable Michele Dutcher; Beneath the Temple of Outlandish Idols by yours truly; Uluru by Swedish art critic and poet Mathias Jansson. And finally, the first two chapters of HG Towne's martial arts/Western/sword and sorcery extravaganza, Star Thistle.