Architecture of the Human Soleus Muscle, Three-dimensional Computer Modelling of Cadaveric Muscle and Ultrasonographic Documentation in Vivo
註釋The purpose of this study was to visualize and document the architecture of the human soleus muscle throughout its entire volume. The architecture was visualized by creating a three-dimensional manipulatable computer model of an entire cadaveric soleus, 'in situ', using B-spline solids to display muscle fiber bundles that had been serially dissected, pinned and digitized. A database of fiber bundle length and angle of pennation throughout the marginal, posterior and anterior soleus was compiled from three sources: the computer model, manually measured cadaveric specimens and from ultrasonographic scans of relaxed and contracted muscle of living subjects. The computer model allowed documentation of the architectural parameters in three-dimensional space, with the angle of pennation being measured relative to the tangent plane of the point of attachment of a fiber bundle. The architectural parameters recorded to date have been two-dimensional, like those obtained from the scans and manually measured cadaveric specimens in this study. Three-dimensional reconstruction is an exciting innovation since it provides not only an architectural database but also allows visualization of each fiber bundle 'in situ ' from any perspective. It was concluded that the architecture is non-uniform throughout the volume of soleus, the percentage change of the architectural parameters on contraction varies by muscle part and the soleus of females has significantly longer fiber bundles, smaller angles of pennation and is not as thick as the soleus of males. The techniques developed in this thesis provide a novel approach to the study of muscle architecture. Detailed architectural studies may lead to the development of muscle models that can more accurately predict interaction between muscle parts, the effect of pathologic states on muscle function and force generation.