The Christian Ministry

This classic on pastoral ministry is organized as follows:

Part I. General View of the Christian Ministry

Chapter I. The Divine Origin and Institution of the Christian Ministry

Chapter II. The Dignity of the Christian Ministry

Chapter III. The Uses and Necessity of the Christian Ministry

Chapter IV. The Trials and Difficulties of the Christian Ministry

Chapter V. The Comforts and Encouragements of the Christian Ministry

Chapter VI. The Qualifications of the Christian Ministry

Chapter VII. Preparation for the Christian Ministry

Part II. General Causes of the Want of Success in the Christian Ministry

Chapter I. The Scriptural Warrant and Character of Ministerial Success—Together With the Symptoms of Want of Success

Chapter II. The Withholding of Divine Influence, the Main Cause of the Want of Ministerial Success

Chapter III. The Enmity of the Natural Heart a Main Cause of the Want of Ministerial Success

Chapter IV. The Power of Satan a Main Hindrance to Ministerial Success

Chapter V. Local Hindrances to Ministerial Success

Chapter VI. The Want of a Divine Call a Main Cause of Failure in the Christian Ministry

Part III. Causes of Ministerial Inefficiency Connected With Our Personal Character

Chapter I. Want of Entire Devotedness of Heart to the Christian Ministry

Chapter II. Conformity to the World

Chapter III. The Fear of Man

Chapter IV. The Want of Christian Self-Denial

Chapter V. The Spirit of Covetousness,

Chapter VI. Neglect of Retirement

Chapter VII. The Influence of Spiritual Pride

Chapter VIII. Absence or Defect of Personal Religion

Chapter IX. The Defect of Family Religion; And the Want of Connexion of the Minister’s Family With His Work

Chapter X. Want of Faith

Part IV. The Public Work of the Christian Ministry

Chapter I. The Institution and Importance of the Ordinance of Preaching

Chapter II. Preparation for the Pulpit

Chapter III. The Scriptural Mode of Preaching the Law

Chapter IV. The Scriptural Preaching of the Gospel

Chapter V. The Mode of Scriptural Preaching

Chapter VI. The Spirit of Scriptural Preaching

Part V. The Pastoral Work of the Christian Ministry

Chapter I. The Nature and Importance of the Pastoral Work

Chapter II. Treatment of Cases in the Pastoral Work

Chapter III. The Visitation of the Sick

Chapter IV. Pastoral Ministry of the Young

Chapter V. Sacramental Instruction

Chapter VI. Clerical and Church Communion

Chapter VII. The Office and Uses of Helpers

Chapter VIII. Miscellaneous

Part VI. Recollections of the Christian Ministry