Something in My Mind Besides the Everyday

This book grew out of a belief that the omission of studies about women and literacy is a crucial mistake. If we are to challenge the myths of illiteracy, we need studies that start from the standpoint of the women who are labeled "illiterate" or "silent." We need to listen to women's accounts of their own lives.

"I'm even feeling better, just learning, having something else in my mind besides the everyday." - Judy

"I think it's probably pretty strange to anyone that doesn't realize the kind of a life that a battered woman lives...I made it my little mini war trying to win battle after battle to get my own little place, my own little piece of myself...I want to work...I want to work at something that I can enjoy getting up in the morning, where I think I'm accomplishing something, where I can get paid a reasonable amount to live on...I'm asking for the moon and the stars and everything else." - Alice