William Johnson Papers
註釋Consisting of letters, 10 Mar. 1808, directing G. Simpson, as a bank cashier, to receive Johnson's Supreme Court salary and to credit his account; 11 Aug. 1822, to Matthew Carey, Philadelphia, re the latter's favorable comments on his book [Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene]; and 25 Sept. 1822, to Smith Thomson, expressing his opinion re a U.S. ship boarded by the crew of a Spanish ship; newspaper articles, 25 Feb. 1807, giving Johnson's dissenting opinion in U.S. v. Swartwout and Bollman, printed in the National Intelligencer; and 20 July 1816, Johnson's opinion in the case of Fisher et al. v. the [ship] Sybile "upon appeal from the decision of Judge [John] Drayton ... on a question of salvage"; and an undated biographical sketch.