
The Turkey Energy Outlook (TEO) proposes energy policies to further improve energy security,

increase use of domestic energy resources, advance energy efficiency, build clean energy

infrastructure, develop a more competitive energy market with cost-reflective energy pricing

and also to support all necessary steps towards achieving a sustainable energy system in Turkey.

The main themes include increased energy efficiency, higher use of renewable energy, improving

electricity and natural gas markets, building Turkey’s first nuclear power plants, increased energy

technology R&D and continuing and expanding the recent efforts to discover and produce more

natural gas and oil.

Turkey’s per capita energy and electricity consumption are less than half of the OECD average.

As a country that is still developing, compared to Turkey’s OECD peers, the growth of energy

services per capita will be much higher. This is necessary to accommodate increasing incomes,

population growth, industrialization, urbanization, increased mobility and wider access to

modern energy services. The Turkey Energy Outlook (TEO) provides an independent assessment

of changing technological opportunities and policy priorities to secure an efficient, competitive

and sustainable energy future. Two TEO Scenarios quantify the consequences of two different

policy pathways out to 2040.