Entick's New Spelling Dictionary
In which the Parts of Speech are Accurately Distinguished, and the Syllables Accented According to the Just and Natural Pronunciation of Each Word : with a Comprehensive Grammar of the English Tongue, Teaching to Read and Write the English Language with Propriety and Ease : to which are Subjoined, a Brief Account of the Heathen Deities ..., the Most Usual Christian Names of Men and Women, a Table of Precedency of Rank, Complete Directions for Addressing Persons of Every Rank ..., a Concise Explanation of the Most Common Abbreviations of Words ..., an Alphabetical Arrangement of the Maritime and Inland Counties, with Their Chief Towns and Rivers, a List of Cities, Boroughs, Market-towns, and Principal Villages in Great Britain, with Their Distances from London in Measured Miles
出版J.W.H. Payne, Warwick-Square, Newgate Street; and for J. Harris, J. Nunn, Newman & Company, T. Boosey, C. Law, Crosby & Company, R. Scholey, Craddock & Joy, and G. Cowie & Company, 31, Poultry, and Houlston & Son, Wellington, 1812