Printing in England in the Fifteenth Century
E. Gordon Duff's Bibliography, with Supplementary Descriptions, Chronologies and a Census of Copies
出版Bibliographical Society, 2009
註釋"This reprint is intended as an updated version of Duff's bibliography of 1917. The need for this new version was felt because Duff's bibliography, still the only systematic bibliographical description of fifteenth-century printing is the main point of reference for the volume 'England' of the Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Library (BMC xi), published in 2007. This new edition adds 46 supplementary descriptions, 43 of items that have come to light since Duff's publication, many of them in the revision of STC. Duff's descriptive format has largely been followed, but a few useful features of the descriptive traditions of BMC have been adopted"--Preface to the revised reprint.