Creeds, Confessions, & Catechisms
註釋Why study creeds? Isn't the Bible enough? The Bible is everything we need for salvation and living, yet it is a large work of great complexity. Developing an accurate understanding of Biblical concepts is essential to a thriving Christian. Even so, not everyone has the time or inclination to "reinvent the wheel" - so to speak. This is where tools such as creeds, confessions, and catechisms can help. These tools can serve as guides that can develop systematic ideas for biblical beliefs with specific focus. Believers seeking to plume, with accuracy and cohesion, the depths of Scripture, while bringing together a consensus of understanding and interpretation, developed these statements of faith. Even when examining a variety of creeds, confessions, and catechisms, what is striking is not the disagreements in details. Rather, the vast areas of agreement across the millennia demonstrate that the consistency of biblical truth is timeless. Why study creeds? Confessions? Catechisms? They can help you to maximize you Bible study focus, in a systematic way, to know the Word of God better and more effectively.