Femtosecond Technology
註釋I Introduction.- I-1 Femtosecond Technology and Its Industrial Impact.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Fundamental Nature of Femtosecond Optics.- 3. Device and Material Research Frontiers.- 4. Ultrafast System Goals.- 5. Summary and Future Tasks.- References.- II Optoelectronics Technology Roadmap and Industry.- II-1 Technology Roadmap for the Japanese Opto-Electronics Industry.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Roadmap for Optical Communication Technology.- 3. Future Prospects for Optoelectronics Technology in Japan.- 4. Summary and Conclusions.- Acknowledgment.- References.- II-2 Technology Roadmap for Optical Communication - A North American Perspective.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Socioeconomic Driving Forces.- 3. Anticipated Consumer Needs - Bandwidth Requirements.- 4. Core Network.- 5. Access Networks.- 6. LANs and Campus Networks.- 7. Conclusion.- References.- II-3 Structural Change in Industry and Reorganization of R&D Systems in Network-Oriented Societies.- 1. Introduction.- 2. From Vertical to Horizontal.- 3. Outsourcing of Industrial R&D Activities.- 4. From Linear Model to "Konoyubi-Tomar?" Model.- 5. From Proprietary to Licensing.- 6. Hopes for the Renaissance of Universities.- 7. Concluding Remarks.- References and Notes.- III Ultrafast Optoelectronics for Telecommunications.- III-1 Femtosecond Semiconductor-Based Optoelectonic Devices for Optical Communications and Signal-Processing Systems.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Semiconductor-Based Femtosecond Devices.- 3. Femtosecond Light Sources.- 4. Femtosecond All-Optical Switches.- 5. Conclusion.- Acknowledgment.- References.- III-2 Generation, Control and Processing of Ultrafast Optical Signals by Electrooptic Modulation/Deflection.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Generation of Wide Optical Spectra by Using Electrooptic Modulation.- 3. Generation of Ultrashort Optical Pulses by Electrooptic Modulation/Deflection.- 4. Overview of the Future.- References.- III-3 Subharmonic Mode-Locking of Semiconductor Lasers Operating at Millimetre-Wave Frequencies.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Devices.- 3. Subharmonic Hybrid Mode-Locking.- 4. Subharmonic Synchronous Mode-locking.- 5. Comparison between S L and SSML.- 6. Conclusions.- Acknowledgement.- References.- III-4 All-Optical Access Node Technologies.- 1. Introduction and Motivation for Ultrafast Systems.- 2. Soliton Ring Network Architecture & Protocols.- 3. Integration of Components for Access Node.- 4. Q-Parameter Measurements of System Performance.- 5. Summary.- References.- III-5 Ultrafast All-Optical Switch Using Low-Temperature-Grown InGaAs/InAlAs Multiple-Quantum Wells.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Nonlinear Properties of Multi-Quantum Well Structures.- 3. Operation Principle of a Surface-Reflection All-Optical Switch.- 4. Improvement in Switching Speed.- 5. Improvement in Optical Nonlinearity.- 6. Application to Optical Communication Systems.- 7. Future Works.- References.- III-6 High Bandwidth Photodetectors.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Vertically Illuminated Long-Wavelength p-i-n Photodetectors.- 3. Traveling-Wave Photodetector.- 4. Silicon Hetero-Interface Avalanche Photodetector.- 5. Summary.- Acknowledgment.- References.- III-7 Coherent Tunable THz Oscillation by Nonlinear Optics.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Calculation of Gain.- 3. Unidirectional THz-Wave Coupling.- 4. Experiments.- 5. Measurement.- 6. Conclusion.- Acknowledgment.- References.- III-8 Multi-Gap Photoconductive Switches Fabricated by a Scanning Probe Microscope.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Fabrication Process.- 3. Electrooptic Vector Sampling.- 4. Summary.- Acknowledgements.- References.- IV Semiconductor Quantum Structures for Femtosecond Devices.- IV-1 High Speed Quantum Dot Lasers: Phonon Bottleneck Issue in Quantum Dot Lasers.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Lifetime of Confined LO Phonons.- 3. Phonon Bottleneck Issue.- 4. Conclusion and Discussions.- References.- IV-2 Ultrafast Coherent Dynamics of Radiatively Coupled Excitons in Multiple Quantum Wells.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Theoretical Model.- 3. Experimental Techniques...