
This book can be used by students, faculty, and administrators to enhance the process of medical education. Medical students can use it to develop and refine their learning skills, assess their individual learning needs, identify resources to meet these needs, and to prepare themselves for critical learning events and transitions. Faculty can use this book to understand the learning process and develop teaching skills, thereby providing a framework for critically assessing how they teach. Administrators can use it to expose inadequacies in the medical education process and to strengthen the teaching and learning environment. Certain chapters of this book could serve as required readings for a medical school course on learning. The development and implementation of such a course, and the commensurate application of the espoused principles of learning and teaching to the educational process, would signal true medical educational reform. It would signify that critical attention is being paid to those aspects of learning medicine thought to be crucial: reading the literature, self-directedness, critical thinking/problem solving, lifelong learning and creativity. Such a course would be as important as any basic science course or clinical rotation to the training of future physicians who would use these skills throughout their professional lives. The book could serve as a foundation for faculty development with medical educators. In this regard, Part One provides insight into how medical students learn and has significant implications for teaching. Parts Two and Three provide practical guidelines for teaching and curriculum development from a learner-cen-tered perspective.