Hill of Angels
註釋This monograph examines U.S. Marine and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) actions throughout much of the northern half of a region that became known as "Leatherneck Square," an area bounded by Con Thien and Gio Linh to the north--just below the demilitarized zone (DMZ)--and Cam Lo and Dong Ha to the south. The Battle of Con Thien also included activities within the DMZ north and west of Con Thien as far as the Ben Hai River. More than a dozen Marine operations were involved in varying degrees with the Battle of Con Thien. This account deals with the battle's most significant and costly operations: Operation Hickory (18-28 May 1967), Operation Buffalo (2-14 July 1967), Operation Kingfisher (16 July-31 October 1967), and Operation Kentucky (1 November 1967-28 February 1968).  This text is appropriate for military historians, scholarly professionals, and military science students as well as veterans.

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