註釋First edition. With Edward L. Rosenberry. This work is a well-illustrated history of the Pennsylvania German printing traditions as represented by over 130 of their broadsides and fraktur specimens. Printing in both German fraktur (black letter) and English, these intrepid early printers produced thousands of flyers, posters, and instructional pieces in varieties so extensive as to defy categorization. Their legal documents, such as marriage, baptism, and birth certificates, with their colorfully primitive motifs and borders, are highly collected today. However their other works are also explored and explained in this ground-breaking work. More than 130 color and black & white works are illustrated in detail with dates, printers and purpose. Edward Rosenberry said in a review that. "The first step in the recovery and understanding of a cultural heritage is to collect surviving evidence and arrange it in a systematic way for interpretation. Flying Leaves and One-Sheets starts that process. Readers of this book will gain insight into the folk-ways of the Pennsylvania German ethnic group and the impact it exercised upon American culture before 1876. This work introduces Pennsylvania German broadsides to the American public. It is a scholar's treat and a pleasure for all who look within." Available in December 2004.