註釋Why am I still breathing? Each time Vince passed out, he assumed death was imminent. In his estimation all his earlier screaming and carrying on like a baby should have depleted the air. Apparently he was wrong. Itching everywhere, he fidgeted again to get comfortable. Out of instinct, he supposed. Why bother with such a thing at death's door? This shifting made him aware of the object resting on his chest again. No matter how he craned his neck, the object remained out of sight. Waving his hips and buttocks again now, the object finally fell to his side. Vince stared ahead, blinking his eyes, each time his small world of entombment growing a bit brighter. The mysterious object began to take form. As Claire struck him repeatedly with the shovel he remembered her yelling: "Oh, I've got a big surprise waiting for you down there!" Those words echoed in his mind as the horror next to him materialized. Hair, disheveled and clotted with gore and two dead eyes still bulging in shock were the first two images burned into his psyche. Denial made a futile attempt to displace the logical conclusion that before him lay the severed head of Claire's sister. - From 'Upon Awakening Again' by George Wilhite