
A wise, reassuring guide that will give you hope as you move through the pain of prolonged grief.

When someone you love receives a terminal diagnosis, the whole family is suddenly faced with a prolonged crisis. While medical advances have given us the gift of extending life-meaning that a loved one could survive months or years before dying-it has also changed the way we grieve.

Published in collaboration with Harvard Health Publications, Saying Goodbyeoffers hope and healing for those who may be left 'living with death' for an extended period. Guiding you through this complex journey, renowned psychologists Drs. Barbara Okun and Joseph Nowinski explore its five stages-crisis, unity, upheaval, resolution, and renewal. Through real-life stories and remembrances, you will learn how to;

  • Copewith setbacks, as well as periods of seeming remission
  • Talkwith dying loved one about mortality and other issues that do not arise when death strikes unexpectedly.
  • Provideguidance to the whole family, including the terminally ill loved one, on what needs to be done and when.
  • Talk to children about terminal illness
  • Make space for extended grief in our contemporary lifestyles, which tend to be busier than those of past generations.
  • Confront unresolved issues that may have festered for years, but which typically emerge as family members move past their initial reactions to a terminal diagnosis and begin to work together through their extended grief
  • Moveforward together as a stronger family after a loved one passes.

A much-needed book for our times, Saying Goodbyeoffers a road map that will help you and your family navigate through the realities of death and dying.