Adapting Video Compression to New Formats
註釋The new video codecs should be designed with an high level of adaptability in terms of network bandwidth, format scalability (size, color space...) and backward compatibility. This thesis was made in this context and within the scope of the HEVC standard development. In a first part, several Video Coding adaptations that exploit the signal properties and which take place at the bit-stream creation are explored. The study of improved frame partitioning for inter prediction allows better fitting the actual motion frontiers and shows significant gains. This principle is further extended to long-term motion modeling with trajectories. We also show how the cross-component correlation statistics and the luminance change between pictures can be exploited to increase the coding efficiency. In a second part, post-creation stream adaptations relying on intrinsic stream flexibility are investigated. In particular, a new color gamut scalability scheme addressing color space adaptation is proposed. From this work, we derive color remapping metadata and an associated model to provide low complexity and general purpose color remapping feature. We also explore the adaptive resolution coding and how to extend scalable codec to stream-switching applications. Several of the described techniques have been proposed to MPEG. Some of them have been adopted in the HEVC standard and in the UHD Blu-ray Disc. Various techniques for adapting the video compression to the content characteristics and to the distribution use cases have been considered. They can be selected or combined together depending on the applications requirements.