註釋"Bob Rueff's Endgame is a triple threat: The reader gets a panoramic view of Minnesota, a fascinating look into the world of advertising, and crackling good mystery to boot." Dave Wood, Syndicated reviewer and former book-page editor for the Minneapolis Star Tribune

"Endgame gets past the formula mystery thriller, blending a taunting killer, an unlikely cop, an alluring heroine, and a fantasy sub-world, all leading to an elaborate, deadly...endgame." Clark Griffith, Attorney at Law, former executive vice-president Minnesota Twins

"Endgame: Action, intrigue, sex, violence, mystery, suspense, murder, romance, humor, wonderfully, inventive, characters, witty dialogue in some familiar and some strange places. Good writing, moving, funny, and full of good sense and goodwill." Tom Dubbe, Ph.D., Author of Aberration at Jordan