Inquiry Science Teaching: A Fire to Be Kindled

The notion of Inquiry is often difficult for a science teacher to get a handle on. What is it exactly? And how can a teacher perform an inquiry lesson?

This book begins by exploring this concept, then challenges the reader in an unconventional manner to take a stand about how they teach science. Step by step instructions are given to help the novice as well as the experienced middle and high school teacher to effectively conduct inquiry lessons. This book is linked to over six hours of video - providing teachers with model inquiry lessons in biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. Additionally, video-based evaluative guidelines are included to help teachers reflect on their instruction and improve how they conduct inquiry lessons.

Coupling a clearly articulated process of doing inquiry, with video and self-assessment, science teachers will be empowered to take their instruction to the next level, and by so doing facilitate their students' understanding of science.

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