Success in the Midst of Challenges
註釋Annie Miriam is the creator of this book, "Success in the midst of challenges. Annie has a background in research, and she relies on that expertise in the writing that she does.
This is one of her many works that has been published, and it contains the book that we are talking about here. Many other works by her have been noticed even in the society at large.
She has had multiple books published under her name during her fruitful literary career, which has lasted for more than seven years.
Annie is not just a writer, but she is also an actress, a chancellor, and a young businesswoman who is has achieved success in all of the projects that she is involved in.

Johnson McDonald circumstances became worse when all means of livelihood ended despite his urge and willingness to achieve greatness. This book contains a story of a young man whose desire was limited by circumstances which made him take a bold step to success.