
Do you want to be happier?

Do you want to get rid of anxiety, stress and worry as fast as possible?

Do you want the knowledge in a light way you can easily remember?

Then this book is for you!

We’ve found gold standard concepts from modern greats such as Paul McKenna, Eckhart Tolle, Phil Parker and many more.

We’ve taken relevant wisdom from sages around the world, past and present.

Then, we’ve made a book that’s:

- Pretty, with Lots of Pictures

- Full of Validated Techniques

- Fast

Imagine how this book will change your life.

There really are some great books on mental health out there. From The Analects (Confucius) to the very latest books published this year, the ways to a happy life are well documented. The problem is that some are long, some are hard to read and some take 30 pages to make a point that could be made in a few sentences. Very few are pretty to look at. That's where this book comes in.

Consider this book like a 'quick start'. It aims to get you as much knowledge as possible in as short a time as can be. We've crammed over 15,000 pages of reading and hundreds of hours of videos/ audio into one pretty book, that's under 200 pages. If you want to read this book, then go on and learn more, great! If you just want to get back on the right track as soon as possible, this is one of the fastest ways to do that.

Topics covered in this book include:

Behavioural patterns (good and bad)

Psychological processes for change

Known techniques for taking charge of your emotions



Being at ease





And much more

We aimed to make the text just enough to make the point. There's also some beautiful pictures to make it interesting to look at and help commit it to memory.

Everything you need to get started on your journey to happiness and inner peace.

This book has been reviewed for inclusivity. We have tried our best to make it usable and relevant to all readers.