Get-Smart A Multi-Skill English Course Book for Class 1

In conformity with the objectives and recommendations of the latest National Curriculum Framework,

we have developed Get Smart—A Multi-skill English Language Course comprising Coursebooks

for Primers A and B and Primary Classes (Grades 1 to 5), and Workbooks and Literature Readers

for Primary Classes (Grades 1 to 5). This series adopts an eclectic approach which keeps the child

in the centre of learning and encourages teacher-student interaction as well as collaborative and

experiential learning. This series follows the latest teaching-learning pedagogy and lays emphasis

on the four language skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing—along with vocabulary and

grammar. It combines the advantages of structural and communicative approaches. The universally

accepted themes and language-learning activities have been blended for the progressive development

of learning abilities, besides teaching life skills and values for the learner’s holistic development.

Special Features of the Coursebooks

• Themes include a wide range of universally-accepted prose and poetry.

• Warm Up comprises a hands-on exercise or activity having direct relevance to the theme of the


• Use Word Check tests whether the learners have understood the difficult words taught in the text.

• Sum-up Text includes exercises covering textual questions that develop and test factual,

inferential, evaluative and predictive understanding of the lesson.

• Word Wise hones the pronunciation and vocabulary skills of the learners through a wide variety

of topics.

• Grammar Check consists of explanations and examples followed by exercises that not only help

learners understand grammatical concepts but also apply them in various situations.

• Listener’s Lap develops the listening skills of the learners through interesting texts, short poems,

anecdotes, etc. along with the exercises based on these texts.

• Speaking Track paves the way for the learners to participate in dialogue, role-play, choral

speaking and other activities to enhance their communicative skills.

• Pen Down includes different types of creative writing exercises used in everyday communication.

• Finish Line at the end of every lesson, focuses on cooperative and collaborative activities that the

learners may use in real-life situations.

Goyal Brothers Prakashan