Soldier Girl
註釋Note: If you have already purchased a copy of 'The Secrets They Kept' by N'spired Wit'Love, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS BOOK, as it is one in the same. The only difference is the name change in the title and series. The fight to gain her mother's love and approval has always been her goal. But when Khalynn Jenkins defies the odds that her family has set against her, she finds herself surrounded by the craziest of chaos and most dangerous of controversies. Through it all she learns three very serious and valuable lessons: 1.Do not ever cross her mother, 2.Sometimes people that work the least desirable jobs have access to the most confidential information, and 3.Contrary to popular belief, the proof is not always in the pudding, sometimes it's in the blood. From self-acclaimed aspiring best-selling novelist and author N'spired Wit'Love and Walking Miracle Publishing Group, an imprint of self-publishing powerhouse publishing company KingDominion, Publishers, LLC, comes 'SOLDIER GIRL', "Chaos and Controversy".