Love Found Love Lost

This fun and helpful book is one's girl's autobiography. She grew with many of life's experiences meeting all kinds of people from all walks of life. Learn how to keep the love of friendship strong and well in spite of the odds. Learn how to experience nature and reap its benfits. Learn the nature of true love. The main reason we lose love is because it was not true love to begin with. Then there are people who come into our lives to give us temporary help. They serve a good pupose, but these relationships usually fade when the help is no longer needed.

Her first husband claimed to love her, but he did not show it. He was seldom home. The heroine shows how to get what you want when you want something so badly. She reaches her goals against all odds. Nothing stops her from getting an education. Her love for the French language came to her quite by chance. She seized the opportunity to learn French and fell in love with it.

The heroine's son also learned how to cope with life's problems. Like his mother, he beat the bullies without lifting a finger. He has the gift of gab. His mother has the gift of writing. He can talk to anyone anytime about anything. His mother will write down every happening. She is also his confindant and ally against a sometimes cruel world. He is an only child, but he is not spoiled. As you will see, he is quite an actor. You will laugh through the book. At times, you may cry, but not for long. The book is up beat with a little drama as lfe unfolds. So hold onto your seat for the ride of your life.