Blind Edge

What if the one person you can't trust...is yourself?

US Army Detective Regan Chase spent years lying for her country.

Until she was caught.

Her reputation as the military's premier undercover chameleon in tatters, Regan's been shunted to a Stateside post and reassigned to the grunt work of Army CID—investigations. First up, the brutal stabbing of a soldier's wife.

Instead of the domestic homicide she expects, Regan confronts the first in a series of murders and suicides brought on by the violent hallucinations plaguing a twelve-man Special Forces A-Team just back from Afghanistan. A team led by the very soldier responsible for the decimation of her undercover career.

As the murders and suicides mount, Regan clashes with an unforgiving, uncooperative and dangerously secretive John Garrison—and an even more secretive US Army.

The Army knows she and John have history. So why hasn't she been reassigned?

Someone wants Regan on the case. But they also want her off her game. They’re depending on it. Why else is she being followed?

What happened in that Afghan cave? Why is the Army willing to risk an entire Special Forces team to keep it secret?

Regan won't stop until she finds out. But by then, it may be too late. Another name may have already been added to that growing list of victims.

Her own.

*Blind Edge is a 2021 Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Finalist for Best Thriller.

Written by a former US Navy Lt., Blind Edge is a full-length novel and Book 1 in the pulse-pounding Deception Point Military Thriller Series. Please note: graphic crime scenes, the occasional sex scene and cursing abound throughout this series! If you're faint of heart, you may want to turn back now. But if you're not & you like strong, female protagonists and seriously gritty, complex suspense that twists and turns all the way to The End, you'll love this 118,000-word installment in Candace Irving's military detective thriller series.

Grab your copy of Blind Edge today and find out how what happens to US Army Detective Regan Chase in the riveting Deception Point Series.