None But the Sinners
註釋"The subject of this study is 'sinners' in the Gospel of Luke. In all the synoptics we find a saying in which Jesus expressed his mission in terms of a call to 'sinners': 'I came not to call the righteous, but sinners ... ' Luke in particular emphasizes the importance of Jesus' relation to 'sinners' and, as we shall see, they are a central feature of the Galilean ministry in his Gospel. Two simple facts demonstrate this point: the group identified as 'sinners' appear more often in Luke than in any other Gospel, and he utilizes their presence in his story in a more highly developed way than the other Gospel writers. For Luke, 'sinners' provide the backbone of controversy that drives his Gospel forward. They are also the key point of contention which distinguishes how Jesus differs from his co-religionists, the Pharisees."--