Climate Therapy
註釋This compelling book is heartfelt, crucial and doable. Any efforts to strengthen person or planet well-being that omit its reality mislead us; don't face today's mayhem without it. Think outside-the-box; give it not 5, but instead 54 Amazon stars for its pure-science ways and means that, added to anything, reverse the ruinous effects of our climate change stresses. CLIMATE THERAPY (CT) gives us incredible, 54-sense self-evidence to realize the greatest Truth in our life that we can trust and that Truth is not Nature, God, Love or Honesty. By invoking its accuracy into the life we share with our planet, CT activates our inherent revolutionary wisdom that society has taught us to hurtfully ignore so we suffer its loss. THIS CT REMEDY reduces our falling-apart world's corruption and energizes a natural area's coalescing powers to peacefully unify the natural world and us. IT HELPS US enjoy our great revolutionary wisdom Truth anywhere and reduce our suffering.....DISCOVER the cruel personal, social and environmental causes and effects of today's of climate crises as part of our other runaway catastrophes. VALIDATE that they result from our excessive disconnection from nature that, since 1974, has produced a 45% deficit of natural resources and wildlife while creating a 45% increase in mental illness, obesity, climate change, loneliness, mass shootings and dangerous tensions. This has increased corruption, child abuse, unhappiness, mistrust, unfairness, dependencies, addiction and violence. CT IS a wholistic management tool that reverses these immoral atrocities as it adds nature's self-correcting clout to our thinking and relationships. BECOME AWARE of why you never heard of its healing ways and why without it, our promised economic growth and lifestyle advances are like bogus checks from a bankrupt savings account. CT EMPOWERS YOU with the healthy, practical and responsible resilience of the author's 55 years living and learning in nature-connected expedition groups whose influence and safety CT shares. It gives you the opportunity to join or co-mentor one as a hobby, cadre or livelihood. IT LETS YOUR DOG or garden dramatically improve your life and all of life as you learn passionate nature-connected eco-arts and science.....Moment-by-moment reduce our climate crisis as you solve problems, great and small. Intelligently make space for our 54-sense smarts to reduce our personal and global wounds. ADD CT to any interaction and think, feel and relate like nature's self-correcting perfection works as you help it heal what ails us. PROFIT FROM others who participated in year-long, utopian community, outdoor expeditions to produce CT's organic form of psychology. BENEFIT FROM global sanity that calms our unwarranted fears of nature. They block the implementation of our disorder solutions while we endure their damaging omission. This radical problem demands CT's radical solution. NOTICE HOW without it's warm, therapeutic rewards, our fears undermine and hide our unconditional love from and for the life of our planet home. REALIZE its abuse is our core discontent. OBSERVE that the distress from our mistreatment of nature's love, around, in and as us, makes us unjustly seek remedial satisfactions that abuse all things. LEARN HOW to stop this insane short-circuit in its tracks. CELEBRATE CT Applied Ecopsychology's gratifying, 54-sense fulfillments in natural areas, backyard or backcountry. ENJOY curatively uniting with Nature's unifying love, balance and beauty. EXPERIENCE IT transforming into resilient love, the false stories and excessive natural resource exploitation that stupidly prejudice us against the natural world and make us conquer it. UNDERSTAND THAT this accredited, nature-connected healing works because Nature is the fountainhead of authority in how it works. BE AMAZED: read CT to a natural area and benefit from its spirited methods and materials. HELP EXPEDITE trustable, ideas, feelings and relationships