Concerning Prosperity Gospel
註釋Concerning Prosperity gospel a popular brand of teachings has elicited extra passion in the recent Christian history; having shaped and changed paradigms and beliefs within a section of the Christian community. Prosperity Gospel, therefore, is here to challenge our understanding of prosperity in the scriptural sense. It is filled with examples of inconsistencies and misinformation rampant within the pop gospel circles. It argues for a prosperity that cannot be attained out there through giving or what have you, but should be a condition within every believer. As explained in this book, the current prosperity gospel: „« Is simply materialistic consumerism Christened „« Tries to use God as a means to an end ¡V success „« Tries tying God on to formulas ¡V faith and other biblical principles „« Elevates Miracles above the Jesus who releases them „« Misinterprets the Bible ¡V form texting mixed with catchy phrases „« Mixes law and grace as a means of unlocking blessings „« Presents a false God and Christ „« Tramples down Christ¡¦s redemption by twisting its meaning „« Does not encourage growth in grace „« Promotes wrong concepts of faith „« Encourages giving out of necessity; if you have a need plant a seed. „« Plays by the rules of secular media and cannot effectively communicate the true gospel. The author hopes the reader will clearly see such falsehood for what they are.