The Scale of Justice
Observations on the Transformation of Urban Law Practice
出版American Bar Foundation, 1999
註釋This paper surveys the changes that took place in large corporate law firms during the last quarter of the 20th century. It argues that the most consequential change was the sheer increase in the size of the firms, and it explores several possible explanations for that growth. The paper also notes changes in demand for particular types of legal work and argues that service industries are likely to create more work for lawyers than in an economy based on agriculture or heavy industry. The changing nature of the relationships between corporate lawyers and their clients is explored, with emphasis on the growth in the power and prestige of corporate inside counsel, the greater competition among firms, and the broader geographic markets served by the firms. Changes in firm management associated with the increase in scale are described and analyzed. The paper concludes with observations and speculation concerning "multidisciplinary practice" (i.e., the move into the market for legal services, internationally, of large accounting firms, financial services firms, and consulting firms).