Sleep Well, Live Better
註釋Scientific surveys find that up to50 percent of the entire population have experienced one bout of sleeping difficulty. Nearly 10 percent of the population suffers from severe or chronic insomnia. In Australia, chronic insomniacs could fill the Melbourne Cricket Ground ten times over. Sleeping difficulty is the third most common problem reported to General Practitioners.
Up to 5 percent of the population regularly takes prescription medicines to help them sleep, with many more using alcohol and over the counter medicines to help curetheir insomnia.Do these methods work?The answer is, very rarely.
Is there a better way to cure insomnia?Yes! It is clear that non - drug therapies provide better long - term improvement of sleep and wellbeing.
In this book Dr Leon Lack and Dr Helen Wright describe the3 stepsby which chronic insomniacs can help themselves back to a good nights sleep. By understanding insomnia and identifying the type of insomnia you have this book will provide the program best suited to getting you back on track to a new world of sleep.