Aquatic Toxicology and Environmental Fate (Volume 11).
註釋Silver transport and impact in estuarine and marine systems; Experimental freshwater microcosm biodegradability study of butyl benzyl phthalate; Response of aquatic microbial communities to surfactants; Bacterial adaptation to chlorobenzoate contamination in the Niagara Region investigated by DNA:DNA colony hybridization; Effect of the mud water interface on the chemical life of lakes; Dredged material plume dispersal in central Long Island Sound; Toxicity of percolate from decontaminated pesticide contaminated soils; Application of a risk assessment framework for marine disposal of sewage sludge at midshelf and offshelf sites; Use of fractionation and chemical analysis schemes for plant effluent toxicity evaluations; Long term multispecies toxicity and effluents fractionation study at a municipal wastewater treatment plant; Case study of a marine discharge, comparison of effluent and receiving water toxicity; Comparison of estimates of effects of a complex effluent at differing levels of biological organization; Evaluation of lethal levels, release criteria, and water quality objectives for an acid mine waste; Yearly chronic toxicity comparisons of stream sediments and waters; Performance and validation of a on line fish ventilatory early warning system; Using single species and whole ecosystem tests to characterize the toxicity of a sewage treatment plant effluent; Studies on ameliorating the effects of an acidic river on the Atlantic salmon; Topics on expressing and predicting results of life cycle tests; Evaluation of the intrinsic rate of increase as an endpoint for Ceriodaphnia chronic tests; Inferring population level significance from individual level effects, an extrapolation from fisheries science to ecotoxicology; Head to head comparsion of SAS and ASTM proposed prohibit computer programs; Comparison of several computer programs for probit analysis of dose related mortality data; effects of withdrawals on tests involving censored data in toxicology experiments; Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses for use with chemical fate and transport models; Utility of the standardized aquatic microcosm as a standard method for ecotoxicological evaluation; Results of interlaboratory testing of the standardized aquatic microcosm protocol; Prediction of daphnia magna EC50 values from rat oral LD50 and structural parameters; Structure toxicity relationships of para-position alkyl- and halogen-substituted monoaromatic compounds; Predictability of unusually high acute toxicity to Photobacterium phosphoreum of 1,4-di-substituted benzene derivatives; Use of aquatic lethality tests to estimate safe toxicant concentrations for initial ecological risk assessments; An approach for development of structure biodegradation relationships of organic chemicals; A quantitative structure activity relationship study of Overton's data on the narcosis and toxicity of organic compounds to the tadpole; Acute lethal toxicity quantitative structure activity relationships for electrophiles and pro-electrophiles, mechanistic and toxicokinetic principles; New cost effective, computerized approaches to selecting chemicals for priority testing consideration; interspecific and geographical variation of the chromium sensitivity of algae; An in vitro submitochrondrial bioassay for predicting acute toxicity in fish; An apparatus for exposing estuarine aquatic organisms to toxicants in constant and fluctuating salinity regimes; Errors in the use of the accelerated bioconcentration test.