How to Trigger an Impulse Buy
註釋This book reveals how to use the furniture you already have in a way that correctly defines the spaces in your home and avoids 3 cardinal staging sins that unconsciously turn off a buyer. You have to remember that for a home buyer, choosing a place to live is to a large extent an emotional endeavor. Responding to buyers' emotional needs could seem complex; however, there are few steps that you can take in marketing of your home that can influence the response to the home you are selling.This Book will walk you through room by room and provide a few simple checklists to simplify the process. Many times it is more about taking things out of a room rather than adding furniture. I will show you specifically what you should remove and what you should add. This book will also show you how to make a few simple adjustments to your front landscaping to create "curb appeal" which is critical to establishing perceived value in a buyers mind. so you don't have to deal with buyers submitting lower offers than they might otherwise or worse, no offer at all.landscaping is going to be the very first thing that a potential buyer is going to see about your property. If the landscaping isn't right and the curb appeal isn't right then forget about whatever you're going to do on the inside because it won't matter. A buyer won't even stop to go inside if the landscaping looks bad. Landscaping is the very first thing that sets the tone and the impression for the perceived value of your property.Landscaping is your first and often time, most important point of contact with a buyer looking for a new home. Moreover, it is your advertising poster for the property, so it's vital that you approach it with as much care and attention as the rest of the property when getting ready to sell.This book will provide you with a specific, simple and cheap landscaping plan and a shopping list so you can get it right in a single weekend.