Beyond Credibility
Five Devastating Parodies of the Current American Sociopolitical Scene
出版CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013-07-27
主題Humor / Form / Parodies
註釋How do you think you might react upon reading about President Obama's plan to hold a deficit-reduction yard sale on the National Mall in Washington, where one would be able to buy anything from a lock of Monica Lewinsky's hair to $600.00 toilet seats to decommissioned naval vessels?Or, how would you react upon reading that, say, the leaders of the world's two major superpowers had announced that they had fallen in love, come out of the closet, planned to wed and intended to create a New World Order based on love, affection, mutual respect and their two nations' joint world hegemony?Or, taking a peep into the future, that Bristol Palin Johnston had actually won the 2032 U.S. presidential elections and would soon be our 48th president?If this piques your interest, then you should seriously consider purchasing this work, which consists of five hilarious parodies in the form of "newspaper articles", and which basically runs the entire spectrum of the current American socio-political scene through the wringer. Big time.