The Diary of Ma Yan
The Daily Life of a Chinese Schoolgirl
出版Virago, 2005
註釋'No more money for school this year. I till the land in order to pay for my brothers' schooling. When I think of the happy times at school, I can almost imagine myself there. How I want to study! I want to go to school, Mother. How wonderful if I could stay at school forever!' - Ma Yan, aged 13 In a remote province in Northeastern China, in May 2001, the journalist Pierre Haski and his group are preparing to leave the tiny village they have been visiting. Suddenly a peasant woman approaches and urgently thrusts into their hands a letter, written on the back of a seed packet, and three small brown notebooks filled with characters in a finely drawn pencil. When their precious bundle is translated, they are astonished to find they hold thirteen-year-old Ma Yan's diary and a passionate letter she'd written to her mother, headed, I Want To Study Thus began an extraordinary friendship that not only transformed Ma Yan's life, but also over forty of the village children's who are now able to go back to school. And Ma Yan's passionate diary is now published in ten languages throughout the world. overcome her impoverished life, who prefers to go hungry in order to save money to buy a pen, who feels deeply for her mother, and her young brother . It is a story of indomitable spirit, wonderful humour and thirsty intelligence.