Physics for JEE (Main & Advanced) Volume 1 (Class XI) by Career Point, Kota

Physics for JEE (Main & Advanced) Volume 1 (Class XI) has been designed in keeping with the needs and expectations of students appearing for JEE Main. Its coherent presentation and compatibility with the latest prescribed syllabus and pattern of JEE (as per the latest NTA notification) will prove extremely useful to JEE aspirants. Questions in this book are handpicked by experienced faculty members of Career Point to enhance the following skills of the students – 

Understanding of concepts and their application to the grass-root level.

Improving their scoring ability & accuracy by providing an opportunity to practice a variety of questions.

Features of Book are:-

·        3400+ Questions with explanatory solutions

·        Chapters according to NCERT

·        All types of MCQs based on latest pattern

·        Previous Year Questions since 2005

·        3 Mock Tests for Final Touch