Escape from Sericent - Science fiction books space opera action adventure

Ariel Blake is a merciless ex-Siren agent who finds herself fighting impossible odds.  The Sagitarus Rebel Alliance, Datar Colonial Authority, the Black Phoenix and Gilead Hightower hunt for the Solid State Shadow data and Eve Lang.  Blake’s childhood friend is helpless and in a coma after the events of Trinity Tower.  The question is:  who will get to Eve first? 

Ariel has to get off the planet alive before she can start her search.  She knows she won’t be able to do it alone.  Her most staunch allies however are scattered to the winds.

Worse still, Ariel’s own government turns against her. 

Patrik Prokop, a lieutenant of the mysterious shadow master of Aminon will do everything in his power to kill her before she gets off Sericent… or use her to control Eve for his own selfish ends. 

If that happens, it could lead to humanity’s future annihilation. 

All it takes is one death to start the dominoes falling…

Her own.

Solid State Rising:  Escape from Sericent is part of an action packed science fiction space opera that is inspired by Mass Effect, Star Wars, Judge Dredd, Die Hard, Continuum and Blade Runner.  Adventure, romance, revenge, mecha, paranormal powers and intrigue fill the pages of this continuing saga.  If you’re looking for nearly non-stop, blood pumping excitement you should get this book!