There's Dirt on My Shirt

There’s Dirt on My Shirt: The American Dreamsicle tells the story of an immigrant family boy navigating two cultures and growing American roots. His family adopted American values, idealism, and discovered the essence of America and the land of opportunity. The grateful family came with the barest essentials and flourished in the land of the free and the home of the brave. As did so many before them.

Vade Macum

--Professor Carl Wilbur, Latinist

Never have so many words said so little.

--Robin Ficker, Esq, brother

This book takes storytelling to a new level.


Rod's book grabs you by the lapels and throws you down the stairs.

--David Fisher, Counselor to the Truly Needy. former notary public

Dad, no singing sea chanty songs in the car

--son, Alex