The Catholic Family Handbook

Here is a crucial book that offers time-tested strategies to help you strengthen your marriage and raise good kids.  By following the wise advice in these pages, you’ll learn how to shield your family from the effects of our selfish secular culture, which is destroying families and poisons relationships. 


Fr. Lawrence Lovasik, the renowned author of The Hidden Power of Kindness, gives faithful Catholics all the essential ingredients of a stable and loving Catholic marriage and family — ingredients that are quickly being lost in our turbulent age.


Using Scripture and Church teachings in an easy-to-follow step-by-step format, Fr. Lovasik helps you understand the proper role of the Catholic father and mother and the blessings of having a large family. He shows you how you can secure happiness in marriage, develop the virtues necessary for a successful marriage, raise children in a truly Catholic way, and much more. 


Unlike most guides for parents, The Catholic Family Handbook details simple but often overlooked ways that you can instill good character in your children, protect them from the many sinful and dangerous enticements of the world, and make child-rearing truly spiritual.


Fr. Lovasik even explains how to teach your children the all-but vanished art of good manners, and gives you common-sense tips on how to deal with misbehavior, use punishment prudently, and even how to discipline teenagers wisely and effectively.


Here is a timely, much-needed, and comprehensive handbook.  Let Fr. Lovasik strengthen your marriage and family as you discover:


✓ Three things you can learn from the Holy Family about living as a family today

✓ The secret of gaining God’s blessing and peace upon your family: do you know it?

✓ Why it’s so important for you to teach religion to your children — and so dangerous for you to leave such teaching to others

✓ Four crucial lessons no school can teach to your children (only you can!)

✓ Four common objections to having a large family — and compelling answers to each

✓ Why marital happiness is not automatic, but must be earned (and how to earn it)

✓ Common mistakes fathers make that can damage their families irrevocably

✓ The primary requirement for family happiness: does your family measure up?

✓ The secret of overcoming the anger that can disrupt any relationship

✓ Ten rights your children have — and three duties you have to them

✓ Two sacrifices you must make if you want to have a good Catholic family

✓ The all-too-common mistake people make when they think of what makes for happiness in marriage: how to avoid it

✓ Eleven simple steps you can take to bring harmony to your marriage right now

✓ Are you selfish? Sixteen searching questions to ask yourself in order to find out

✓ Four qualities that every good parent has: can you name them? Do you have them?

✓ Sex education: how to navigate this minefield in a way that’s good for your kids

✓ A large family: six often-overlooked blessings that one will bring to you

✓ Plus much more that will help you imbue your family with Catholic values!