"A" is for Avian Anthology...Join us for a fascinating, dangerous, and often irreverent romp through the most bizarre aviary ever encountered. Discover the wily machinations of the friendliest show-crows, negotiate borders between territorial landfowl, and take a trip through the stars to find your alien-parasite self stuck in a chicken. Each illustrated story in the Murderbirds anthology features a different species of feathered fiend, who is either the villain or intended victim of a deadly scheme. The twenty experts in the field include award-winning science fiction and fantasy authors such as Martin L Shoemaker, Wulf Moon, and Jody Lynn Nye, as well as several new Writers of the Future winners.
Table of Contents
"The Fat Guy's Gotta Die" by Martin L Shoemaker
"The Delicious Irony of Dino Nuggets" by Z. T. Bright
"Outback Attack" by John K Patterson
"Blood on the Wing" by Jenny Perry Carr
"Whatever Lola Wants" by N. V. Haskell
"Polly Want an Apple" by Mike Jack Stoumbos
"An Unkindness" by Rebecca E Treasure
"Obsidian Grackle" by Desmond Astaire
"Doesn't Belong" by John Gleason
"Boneyard" by Wulf Moon
"Taking Flight on Bone-Shard Wings" by M Elizabeth Ticknor
"Sing Me to Sleep" by J. L. George
"Facts that Led to My Choosing the Hawk" by Leah Ning
"Give One to the Soul" by Michael Panter
"Felix and the Flamingo" by David Hankins
"The Boy He Wove" by Ryan A Cole
"Cheer Hawks and a Side of Murder" by Crystal Crawford
"Forget-Me-Not and Morning Dew" by Yelena Crane
"His Glowing Feathers" by Akis Linardos
"Falcon's Apprentice" by Jody Lynn Nye
Cover Design by Ruth Nickle
Interior Illustrations for stories 1 and 4-20 by Mike Jack Stoumbos
Interior Illustrations for stories 2 and 3 by John K Patterson