註釋"Hi, my name is unimportant, but I hurt people for a

Meet The Hitter, a man who started out hurting people for money and ended up killing them. But life for a professional killer isn't like the movies,
it's bloody, brutal and violent, and most of all it takes its toll.

So step inside the mind of The Hitter as we follow him from innocent child
to cold hearted killer.

Hold on tight, it's going to be quite a ride.

Praise for Hitter
"Guarino sends you through a dark, dark world with Hitter. I love books
that show me slices of life that I will never see otherwise. I will never
be a Hitter, but now I've seen a little of that life."

"An easy-reading narrative detailing a scarily believable description of a
oneway path into the ugly underbelly of crime and the mind of the
psychopathic perpetrator. It will leave you wondering."